Meet the team: Ali King

Who are the people working behind the scenes at Parkinson’s EQUIP? Over a series of blogs, we’re meeting the team responsible for running the charity and delving into what they do and why.

Next up is Ali King, the newest member of the team. Get to know her better by reading on.

What’s your name and position?

I’m Ali King and I’m a trustee for Parkinsons EQUIP. I’m not sure of my official title but I head up our social media and content.

How did you become involved with the charity?

I was matched with Parkinson’s EQUIP when I signed up to volunteer my creative services to a charity. At the time, my stepdad was living with Parkinson’s and had been for a few years, so when Debra reached out to me I instantly wanted to see how I could help. We had a great chat then she invited me onto a Zoom with the other trustees, Ray and Tom. We hit it off and I started supporting Parkinson’s EQUIP with social media content, and it went from there.

After working together for about six months, Ray called me up one day and asked if I’d be interested in becoming a trustee. I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant but I felt honoured and immediately said yes!

Why is Parkinson’s EQUIP so important to you?

Not long after I started working with Parkinson’s EQUIP, my stepdad passed away when his condition deteriorated and he went into hospital during one of the Covid-19 lockdowns. Before John had Parkinson’s, I didn’t know much about it and I was surprised to see some of the changes occur in him over the years. I wished I’d known more about how to help him with his symptoms.

So, when I found out Parkinson’s EQUIP was one of the only UK charities dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s while we await a cure, it was something I had to get involved with.

Having seen John’s experience of Parkinson’s and learned more about what’s possible, I wanted to do as much as I could to spread the word, raise money, and share knowledge to help others.

I know John would be super proud of me and would’ve loved hearing about what we were up to as a charity if he was still with us - so it means a huge deal to me to be able to play a small part in making a difference.

What do you do professionally outside of Parkinson’s EQUIP?

I’m a freelance content writer and copywriter working with coaches and wellness businesses.

I specialise in writing website copy, blog posts, and social media content, as well as supporting coaches and people in the wellness space to improve their confidence and skills around content writing so they see better results from it.

I’ve always loved writing, from my teenage diaries to a brief career in journalism, so getting to write all day is the literal dream!

Being freelance allows me to set my own schedule, choose who I work with and fit my career around my daughter, so I love that it gives me the opportunity to volunteer my services to causes I care about.

Whereabouts do you live, and who with?

I live in Clitheroe, in Lancashire, with my daughter Quincy and our dog, Bernard.

Do you have any hobbies?

For years I didn’t have any hobbies and struggled to answer this question, but over the past year I’ve given up drinking alcohol and discovered lots of new stuff I love doing, like wild swimming, hiking, and yoga. I also love reading and a good old Netflix binge!

What was the last book you read?

You Made A Fool Of Death With Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover apparently, but I grabbed this in Sainsbury’s having never heard of it and I absolutely loved it, so sometimes you should!

Where’s your favourite place to travel to?

My best friend lives in Lisbon so I love visiting her there. Closer to home, I’ve started exploring the Lake District more (despite spending every school holiday there as a child staying with my dad and moaning about being dragged on walks) so I’m looking forward to doing more mountains and swims over the next few months.

Do you have any phobias?

It’s not a phobia but I really hate mashed potato. Everyone thinks this is so weird because most people view it as an elite way to enjoy potatoes, which is so wrong to me. Even some chips are too mashy and I love a good chip, which can cause major disappointment!

Describe a perfect weekend day.

A sunrise walk and cold swim, followed by brunch, coffee, and cake - and maybe a potter round some charity shops. In the evening, I love a movie night with my daughter. I’m trying to get her into the films I loved when I was younger like Three Men & A Baby and Freaky Friday. Classics!

What’s the oldest thing in your fridge?

A bottle of Sriracha. I went through a phase of smothering everything in it but clearly the phase didn’t last!

What are your personal and professional goals?

I guess I’m aiming to push out of my comfort zone in both areas. Personally, I’m trying to say yes to more things and explore stuff I used to be scared of trying - I went paddle boarding for the first time recently and loved it, and I’m thinking of getting my first tattoo at the age of 40.

Professionally, I want to get into networking to explore where this could take my business as that’s always been a fear of mine. I’m two years into freelance life and I’ve loved every minute so far, so I’m excited to continue to grow and support more coaches and wellness business owners to understand and enjoy content writing.

My clients can’t believe how well it works and how fun it feels when they get to grips with it, and I love seeing their excitement and results.

Tell us something people might not realise about you. 

I’m a real oversharer so I’m not sure there’s much!

I used to run ultra marathons? But I probably mention that a lot because I’m still in shock tbh. Only “small” ones of about 30 miles, but still!

What do you love about Parkinson’s EQUIP?

The team! Whenever we get together on Zoom it is SUCH a joy. So many laughs. We work together really well and share the same outlook, which definitely helps. I still haven’t met the others IRL so I’m hoping to do that at some point!

Why should people support Parkinson’s Equip?

We’re a really small charity but we make a big difference to people’s lives. There are so many great charities out there, but I find it amazing how much impact we have through the projects and initiatives we fund. Parkinson’s changes people’s lives so much they can feel like they’re just not themselves anymore, so this is our way of giving them something back to focus on, enjoy, and see positive progress.

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Got a question for Ali? Or want to learn more about us and the projects we fund? Come say hi on Facebook or Instagram - we’d love to hear from you.


Step out for Parkinson’s this December


Meet the team: Debra Long