Meet the team: Debra Long

Who’s behind Parkinson’s EQUIP? In our latest blog series, we’re introducing you to the people behind the charity so you can get to know more about who we are, why we’re here, and what we do.

This time, we’re chatting to Debra. Read on to find out more about her.

What’s your name and position?

I’m Debra Long and I am a Trustee and Treasurer for Parkinsons EQUIP.

How did you become involved with the charity?

I got a phone call from Ray Wegrzyn explaining he was setting up the charity and asking if I would be interested in becoming a trustee,  I felt very honoured to do so.

Why is Parkinson’s EQUIP so important to you?

My dad had Parkinson’s and when I was working with Ray he found out he had it. I was amazed that even though there was so much money going into the research there really didn’t seem too much progress and the actual drugs to treat it have been the same ones for years.  

At EQUIP, we help people live their lives today whilst we are still waiting for a “cure”.

What do you do professionally outside of Parkinson’s EQUIP?

I worked for 30 years within the Probation Service as a Business Manager, and then on secondment to The Ministry of Justice. The secondment had me travelling around the country to various offices and courts. In fact I sometimes tell people I have appeared at so many different courts!

I am now partly retired and work as a Property Coach, helping people who want to use property as a way of earning extra money or gaining extra time.

Whereabouts do you live, and who with?

Just north of Manchester with my husband David, our cats George and Helle, and lots of visits from my children and grandchildren.

Do you have any hobbies?

I enjoy renovating houses with my daughter and son. 

I love wildlife photography and I have just signed up for a sewing class.

What was the last book you read?

Richard Osman – The Man Who Died Twice.

Where’s your favourite place to travel to?

I love travelling and have been to a lot of different countries. My next trip is to Ecuador and The Galapagos Islands, however my favourite place to relax is a little flat in Old Colwyn, North Wales. 

Do you have any phobias?

I am claustrophobic so hate confined spaces and sometimes have to remind myself to breathe when I am in a tunnel.

Describe a perfect weekend day.

A little lie in, watching Bolton Wanderers win followed by a pizza night with my family. 

What’s the oldest thing in your fridge?

Ooops – a packet of ready to bake croissants with best before August last year! 

What are your personal and professional goals?

To grow our family property business to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren

Tell us something people might not realise about you. 

 I am Associate of the London College of Music. But it was through studying speech and drama, not music.

What do you love about Parkinson’s EQUIP?

The teamwork by the four trustees, We tackle every issue with thought, compassion and humour. Also that we can support people now, whilst we are all still waiting for a cure.

As treasurer I also love the donations we get, both big and small which allows us to continue our purpose. I especially like when we get surprise donations from people who we don’t know, but who have heard about us and the work we do.

A man recently just transferred a very nice sum of money to us, and another person sends £5 a month. People are so very generous.

Why should people support Parkinson’s Equip?

So many younger people are being diagnosed with Parkinson’s and we are spreading awareness of the condition alongside supporting people with Parkinson’s.  

One woman told us we had saved her husband’s life as he was so despondent having been diagnosed at a very young age.  He started to attend an exercise class that we funded and realised that his life was not over and he could still achieve a lot.

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Meet the team: Ali King


Meet the team: Ray Wegrzyn