Mind2Muscle - funding independent lives for people with Parkinson’s

Mind2Muscle supports people with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s to improve their physical and mental health. Find out why the organisation received funding from Quality In Parkinson’s and how they used it to improve the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s in the North West.

What is Mind2Muscle?

Mind2Muscle charity was founded by Charlotte Maria and its head office, Euro House, is based in her hometown of Blackburn, Lancashire.

It aims to support many neurological and physical concepts for patients’ individual needs, linked to their neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s, MS, Cerebral Palsy, Dementia, Autism and other neurological conditions the more lives we touch. 

Tell us about your project that we funded

Funding was donated to Mind2Muscle to be used to train two practitioners on the bespoke Level 4 qualification and become qualified practitioners using physical activity to rehabilitate those diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

The lectures and case studies were undertaken at Euro House in Blackburn, where live case studies were available with patients attending the clinics and a neuro gym available as a hub, not just for their rehabilitation purposes but also for the Parkinson’s community to be able to access when required for social interaction, cognitive sessions, counselling, benefits advice, nurses and physiotherapists.

The practitioners took 16 weeks to qualify at the required competent level to administer various classes for rehabilitation, be aware of all the 42 symptoms that can prevail from Parkinsons and give the patient and carer the relevant advice, support and aftercare when not within our centre.

What made you decide to run this project?

The project funded by Quality In Parkinson’s was so very much needed with the vast amount of people being referred into Mind2Muscle for their neurological rehabilitation.

It has been a proven success and forever required, with more people able to attend sessions and gain the support they vitally from diagnosis and require continuously in the future.

Do you have any personal experience of Parkinson's other than through this kind of work?

My personal experience with Parkinson’s was the forever care I, with my father, gave my mother who was also diagnosed with Parkinson’s.

My mother suffered from many of the 42 symptoms and had the everyday living experiences that such a condition can have on all the family - not just on the person with the diagnosis.

What are the benefits of your project?

The help that was given by Quality in Parkinson’s for the training of those now qualified has had an enormous impact on many lives of those with Parkinsons.

The funding available meant that more people with Parkinson’s can lead a much more independent life after diagnosis and prevent social exclusion.

Many of those diagnosed have come to terms with their diagnosis, and enjoyed being around others with the same condition, whilst being able to learn new strategies to overcome their symptoms and stop symptoms preventing them from everyday activities.

Members who have been able to attend Mind2Muscle are now independent and walking after being wheelchair-bound for several years.

Some patients have since had a government assessment and had their driving licences reimbursed, which has allowed them to return to work and support their families which has had a massive impact on their mental health also and given them their sense of purpose back with their own independence.

Some are now walking again with the knowledge of the qualified practitioners which has allowed partners to be able to return to employment and has given families their lives back as it was before a Parkinson’s diagnosis.

Advice is available at all times for carers, spouses and family members and it has been said that the community provided within our centre would not have been achieved without the help of people like yourselves at Quality In Parkinson’s.

What feedback have you had from your users?

"Mind2Muscle and its practitioners have been a lifesaver."

Apply for funding for your Parkinson’s project

Did you know you could apply to us for funding for your project, providing it’s designed to improve the quality of life of people living with Parkinson’s? We fund projects relating to fitness, sports, movement and the arts.

Send us an email to get started - admin@qualityinparkinsons.org.uk


Silver Swans - Hollie’s dance class for Parkinson’s