Dance for Parkinson’s Network Project


This project provided funding for experienced dance teachers to complete a training programme consisting of an online series of questions and learning points and a two-day attendance at a summer school. On completing this, a dance teacher can offer classes in dance to People with Parkinson’s. The People with Parkinson’s can be confident that the teacher has had exposure to a range of issues relating to Parkinson’s and some reasonable knowledge about the condition and its effects.

“The Dance for Parkinson’s Partnership at People Dancing is delighted to announce the Parkinson’s EQUIP bursary scheme for 2 dance artists to attend the Introduction to Dance for Parkinson’s course.”

An extract from an e-mail sent to me by Kiki Gale, (Director, Dance for Parkinsons Network)
“… letting you know how valuable your support has been over the last year – not only financially but also in our conversations about what we do and why – your contribution has been warmly welcomed and I look forward to creating new and different opportunities to draw on your expertise and advice.”

The Board recently agreed to continue to fund  a number of bursaries to help dance teachers to train to be able to offer classes to People with Parkinson's, as this seems to be the best way to make such classes accessible to more people in more parts of the country. We are currently in discussion with Dance for Parkinson's about the detail of this.

Working now to support the Lottery bid:

Parkinson’s EQUIP enabling individuals: core adviser on our understanding and approach to working with people living with Parkinson’s

Our strategic partner – Parkinson’s EQUIP – is led by Ray Wegrzyn who has had Parkinson’s for 25 years. Ray has been our guide across all aspects of this project from the early stages of development, and will remain in this role through to completion.


Online classes dance the lockdown blues way


Chapter and illuminating verse